Prysis (PTY) LTD.

We create solutions

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Who We Are

We are a software house with a passion for helping small businesses, individuals and organisations.

We develop solutions to automate and simplify your work. Providing people and resource management, scheduling, communications tools. BIG data analytics and reporting with real time updates. Our solutions provide data transparency and auditing features, allowing for greater accountability and easy access.


Prysis (Pty) Ltd. Is a company founded by a group of former Educators and Agricultural Scientists. We looked at the state of country, and teaming up with very talented software engineers, we decided to tackle some issues that we were faced with in our day-to-day work. Our OpTran CMS system, started life as a product to keep track of LifeStock as well as their feeding and medical requirements. Having been successful in that area of Agriculture, we decided to expand the offering a bit to make it such that it can be of help to any small to medium entreprise, with a particular focus on the agricultural, mining and industrial sectors. Ithute, our EduTech platform grew out of a necessity to reduce the administrative load on ourselves in the education space, and having been of use to a few local schools, we decided to unleash it amongst the masses in the hopes that more educators will find it useful, just as we ourselves found it useful in our work.


Our mission is simple to simplify and do away with the mundane and repetitive tasks, through automation we aim to reduce the amount of repetitive tasks our clients and customers have to do. To reduce the administrative load on our users by allowing a simple and intuitive UI that reduces their work to as few clicks and typing as possible. We aim to allow our clients the ability to achieve true collaboration, transparency and bring about efficiency in their work and lives.


Our vision is to bring innovative solutions that allow fore more transparent undertakings by individuals and organisations. We see a world were progress is unhindered and corruption and greed are easily exposed. To achieve this, we need to be transparent ourselves and show that there is nothing to hide, the success of our business depends upon the success of our clients.


The 4IR is upon us, as Prysis, we understand that Africa is still quite behind the rest of our counterparts in taking advantage of computing and information technology. We believe that a lot of our problems can indeed be solved by effective and speedy adoption of these technologies, including artificial intelligence. Prysis aims to be a global player in this space and to drive innovation.

Our Products

Our current product offerings.


Ithute is an EduTech platform built for educators and learners. Our Platform allows Teachers to manage the whole learning experience from one place. From maintaing school records, setting and offering online quiz and exams, setting question papers, uploading course and subject records, preparing term reports, and more.

OpTran CMS

Operation Transparency Customer Management System. Our aptly named CMS system for small to medium size enterprises, allowing business owners and stakeholders to manage and simplify their business processes all in one place. From managing purchase orders, taking inventory, filling in request for quotations, invoicing, managing job cards, and more.

Contact Us

Get in touch and let us help solve your needs. +27 (61) 614 5173

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